Graphometric signature

Graphometric signature is a technology that allows to sign a PDF electronic document with a handwritten signature, using electronic devices – PC, tablet, smartphone – able to capture the behavioral characteristics of the signatory while signing.

Graphometric signature

Graphometric signature is a technology that allows to sign a PDF electronic document with a handwritten signature, using electronic devices – PC, tablet, smartphone – able to capture the behavioral characteristics of the signatory while signing.

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The technology behind a graphometric signature

This solution allows to optimize the treatment and use of signed documents, saving on management costs and improving service levels on numerous procedures that are still carried out on paper.

The signing act is captured in some of its distinctive parameters (graphometric parameters) that are linked to the document being signed, together with the specimen of the signature, all following a safe procedure.

The graphometric parameters captured during signing for the handwritten signature are distinctive characteristics of the person, as well as other biometric parameters such as fingerprints or the iris pattern.

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The technology behind a graphometric signature

This solution allows to optimize the treatment and use of signed documents, saving on management costs and improving service levels on numerous procedures that are still carried out on paper.

The signing act is captured in some of its distinctive parameters (graphometric parameters) that are linked to the document being signed, together with the specimen of the signature, all following a safe procedure.

The graphometric parameters captured during signing for the handwritten signature are distinctive characteristics of the person, as well as other biometric parameters such as fingerprints or the iris pattern.

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The ISO standard

The ISO19794/7 standard defines the biometric data interchange formats.

The interchange format is a data structure that stores graphometric data. Regulations do not require the use of this specific format, but this standard is useful because it also defines the physical parameters that are necessary to ensure that a signature is recognized as graphometric.

These formats are listed in the table, mandatory formats are in bold:

X x-coordinate, (horizontal pen position)
Y y-coordinate (vertical pen position)
Z z-coordinate (height of pen above the writing plane)
VX velocity in x-direction
VY velocity in y-direction
AX acceleration in x-direction
AY acceleration in y-direction
T time elapsed since the first sample
DT time elapsed since the previous sample point
F pen tip force (force applied on the writing plane)
S pen tip switch state (touching/not touching the writing plane)
TX pen tilt along the x-axis
TY pen tilt along the y-axis
AZ pen azimuth from the writing plane
EL pen elevation from the writing plane
R pen rotation

Biometric data collection must be carried out on a device that allows for a precise sampling of the signing trait.
The sampling frequency must be equal or higher than 50Hz (50 samplings per second).

To respect this standard, the graphometric signature systems must record at least the parameters X, Y, together with T or DT.

All other parameters are optional, even if pen tip force and pen azimuth on the writing plane can be useful to the expert in case the judicial authority requests an expert opinion.

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Graphometric parameters

The patterns sampled during the signing act allow to define some characteristic parameters of the instinctual behavior of a person while signing.

Typically, these parameters are:

  • Rhythm

  • Air movement

  • Velocity

  • Acceleration

  • Force

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    Graphometric parameters

    The patterns sampled during the signing act allow to define some characteristic parameters of the instinctual behavior of a person while signing.

    Typically, these parameters are:

    • Rhythm
    • Velocity
    • Force
    • Air movement
    • Acceleration

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    The graphometric signature process

    From a technical point of view, the application of a graphometric signature on a PDF document follows a process, repeated for each and every signature. The procedural steps are:
    • The hash for the PDF document is calculated before signing
    • The biometric data are captured
    • An image with the signature specimen is created
    • The hash and biometric data are included in a single data structure that is immediately encrypted with a public key encryption algorithm of appropriate length. An "Encrypted Signature Data Container" (ESDC) is created. The ESDC has the dual purpose of protecting the graphometric datum and indissolubly bind the signature to the document on which it has been applied.
    • The ESDC is embedded in the PDF document (in compliance with the ISO 32000 standard)
    • In the position of the signature area, on the page, the image with the signature specimen is applied for immediate check during the reading or printing phase
    • The PDF document obtained (that is the original document with the embedded ESDC) is “sealed” in PAdES mode with a certificate of technical signature. This PAdES signature guarantees that the document cannot be edited after the graphometric signature has been applied. Therefore, this signature has no value for the purpose of signing, but is useful exclusively in terms of security of the signing process.

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    Encrypted Signature Data Container

    The Encrypted Signature Data Container is a data structure that indissolubly binds the biometric datum captured with the hash of the document for which that graphometric datum was identified.

    Through ESDC encryption, the system ensures that the graphometric datum:

    • Remains confidential
    • Cannot be used on another document except the one for which it was originally captured

    The ESDC encryption is created with a system of public and private asymmetric encryption keys.

    The public key, of appropriate length, can be used exclusively for the encryption of the datum and is installed in the signature system to create the ESDC. To decrypt the datum it is necessary to have the private key.

    To ensure that the ESDC is secure, and consequently the graphometric data are secure, the two keys, public and private, are generated by a “trusted third party” (generally a Notary or a Certification Authority).

    The private key is safely stored by the party that created it, who is responsible for the confidentiality of the key and guarantees that it is used in a safe environment to facilitate the work of a document expert examiner, in case it is needed.  

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    In the event of a dispute

    In case of dispute, if the opinion of a document expert examiner is needed on the signature, the legal authority can request that the data of one or more signatures are decrypted.

    The party that has the private key offers a decryption service of the biometric datum to be provided for the examination that will be carried out in a protected environment. This way, the confidentiality of graphometric data on other documents is preserved.

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    In the event of a dispute

    In case of dispute, if the opinion of a document expert examiner is needed on the signature, the legal authority can request that the data of one or more signatures are decrypted.

    The party that has the private key offers a decryption service of the biometric datum to be provided for the examination that will be carried out in a protected environment. This way, the confidentiality of graphometric data on other documents is preserved.

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    Graphometric signature for Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)

    The graphometric signature is a technology that can be used to create an Advanced Electronic Signature because it can satisfy some of the requirements listed in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 22/02/2013. These regulations, together with the requirements guaranteed over the process, complete the framework defined in the rules for the Advanced Electronic Signature.

    More specifically, the graphometric signature technology provides:

    Univocal connection
    Univocal connection
    Exclusive control
    Exclusive control
    Proof of signing
    No editing
    Signature system provider
    Signature system provider
    Document signature
    The graphometric e-signature technology, together with the definition of a process able to meet all the requirements listed in the regulations, can be easily adopted for an Advanced e-signature service.

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